If you have purchased Magzter Gold subscription and want to cancel it, then in this article I will tell you all how you can cancel Magzter subscription. To cancel the subscription, you just have to email on Magzter’s official email address. There can be many reasons for canceling Magzter subscription, such as you are no longer interested in reading the magazine. Or you want to take a break for some time.
You cannot cancel the subscription through the Magzter website or application because there is no such cancellation option there.
Process to Cancel Magzter Gold Subscription
The process of cancelling Magzter subscription is very easy. In this part of the article, we will tell you how you can cancel your Magzter subscription by just sending an email. It is important to note here that your subscription will last till its scheduled expiry date and will not be renewed after cancellation, means you will be able to access your susbcription till the date of expiry.
1- First of all open your email application
2- To cancel Magzter subscription, you have to send an email to this official email ID of Magzter – help@magzter.com
3- Copy the email format given below : –
Subject: Request to Cancel Magzter Gold Subscription
Dear Magzter Team,
I am writing to request the cancellation of my Magzter Gold subscription. I would like to stop the auto-renewal of my subscription and cancel it effective immediately.
Please confirm that my subscription has been cancelled and that I will not be charged for any future renewals.
My account details are as follows:
Name: [Your Full Name]
Email Address: [Email address associated with your Magzter account]
Subscription Type: Magzter Gold
I would appreciate it if you could process this request as soon as possible and send me a confirmation email once the cancellation is complete.
If you need any additional information from me to process this request, please let me know.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
[Your Full Name]
4- Send email only from your registered email id.
5- Your subscription will be cancelled within 24 to 48 hours of sending the email.
I hope by following the step by step guide in this article you were able to cancel your Magzter subscription. If you are facing any issue while cancelling the subscription then you can leave your issue in the comment box below and we will try to resolve it.
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