Magzter Gold 3 Year Subscription Offer 2024 @ 90 Dollars in U.S

magzter gold 3 year subscription offer

Are you looking for the Magzter Gold 3 Year Subscription Offer? If yes, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will talk about Magzter’s 1 year, 2 year and 3 year Gold plans using which you can read more than 9000 premium magazines and newspapers. For your information, let me tell you that Magzter 3 Year Gold Subscription is available for just 90 dollars, which you can buy by using the button given below.

Magzter has introduced 3 types of Magzter Gold subscription for its United States customers. The most popular of which is Magzter’s 3 year Gold subscription. In which you can get the facility of reading 9000+ magazines, newspapers and premium articles of Magzter for 3 years by paying only 90 dollars once.

This plan of Magzter is available for a very limited time only, so all of you are requested to buy it as soon as possible otherwise this special Magzter Gold Subscription 2024 may end anytime.

Magzter Gold 3 Year Subscription

The process of purchasing Magzter 3 year subscription offer is very easy. You can buy any Magzter Gold subscription of your choice in countries like USA/ France/ Canada/Australia etc. in just a few seconds by following the steps given by us.

Step by Step Guide to Purchase Magzter 3 year subscription offer-

1- First of all click on the offer button given below –

2- After clicking the above button a page will open in which you will see Magzter 3 Year Subscription Offer banner for 90 Dollars. Along with the Claim Now button.

magzter gold 3 year subscription offer

3- Click on the Claim Now button.

4- Now it will ask you to verify your email.

magzter gold subscription

5- Enter your email address and click on the continue button.

6- After this you will receive a 4 digit OTP from Magzter on your email. Enter that 4 digit OTP and verify your email address.

7- On the next page you will get a profile page, Simple enter your first name and second name and click on continue button.

magzter subscription offer united states

8- On the next page you will get payment option to pay 90 dollars. Make the payment using your debit/ credit card.

magzter gold payment details

9- On clicking the Pay button, all the benefits of Magzter Gold 3 Year Gold Subscription Offer of 90 Dollars will be activated on your email.

10- Now you can login to Magazter website or Magazter application using your email and read 9000+ premium magazines and newspapers from around the world.

Magzter Gold 1 Year Subscription offer @ 30 Dollars only

If you are interested in taking Magzter’s 1 year Gold plan, then you can buy it for just 30 dollars. In Magzter’s 1 year Gold subscription, you get to read 9000+ premium magazines, newspapers and paid articles for a whole year.

Magzter 1 year subscription is available on payment of just 30 dollars. After taking Magzter subscription, you can download your favorite magazines using the Magzter application as per your convenience and read them anytime and anywhere.

You can buy Magzter 1 Year Gold subscription with the help of the button given below.

Magzter 2 year subscription

Magzter 2 Year Subscription is available for just $60 under the special Magzter Gold offer, which you can buy through the link provided by us. Once you buy the 2 year subscription, you can enjoy the premium features of Magzter for the next 2 years and read more than 9000+ magazines and newspapers.

Magzter 2 Year Subscription can be purchased from the official Magzter website by paying just $60 using our special offer link.

Click on the offer button given below to buy the 2 year plan.

Magzter Gold 3 Year Subscription Offer @ 90 Dollars Only

This is the most popular subscription plan of Magzter. Once you buy the Magzter 3 year subscription plan, you can enjoy the Magzter Gold subscription for the next 3 years. Among the 1 year, 2 year and 3 year plans, I would recommend you to buy the Magzter 3 year subscription offer because it is possible that this offer may not be available in the next few days.

And once you subscribe to this offer, you can rest assured for 3 years. Another special feature of this offer is that after 3 years, your 3 year plan will get automatically renewed and that too for $90.

Please use the button given below to buy Magzter Gold 3 year Subscription.

What is Magzter Gold Subscription?

Magzter Gold is an online magazine subscription plan of Magzter company. Under Magzter Gold subscription, customers can read more than 9000+ popular magazines and newspapers online from United States and abroad.

This means that Magzter is an online magazine and newspaper aggregator. Many magazine and newspaper publishing companies are associated with it.

Magzter Gold has mainly 3 plans. 1 year, 2 year and Magzter gold 3 year subscription. 1 year plan is available for 30 dollars, 2 year plan for 60 dollars and 3 year plan for only 90 dollars.

List of Magazines and Newspapers-

There are more than 9000+ magazines and newspapers available in Magzter’s gold plan for the users in the United States of America. You can guess how much the Magzter gold plan is affordable by comparing a few individual magazines’ yearly subscriptions which are available for free at just nominal charge of 90 dollars for a 3 year magzter gold plan.

Below is the list of some of the best and costly (yearly subscription above 80 dollars) magazines available in Magzter’s Gold subscription-

Popular Magazine-

  • Time
  • Reader’s Digest US
  • Good House Keeping – US
  • Popular Mechanics US
  • Cosmopolitan US
  • Coountry Living
  • Vogue US
  • Newsweek US
  • Men’s Health US
  • Vanity Fair US
  • The New Yorker
  • People US
  • Taste of Home
  • Woman’s Day US
  • Better Homes & Gardens US
  • Southern Living
  • The Oprah US
  • Real Simple
  • US Weekly
  • Food Network Magazine
  • Women’s Health US
  • Bon Appetit
  • Allrecipes
  • HGTV Magazine
  • Guide Posts
  • TV Guide Magazine
  • Car and Driver
  • Maxim US
  • Star

+ 1000 more

Business Magazines

Below is the list of popular business magazines available in Magzter 3 year subscription offer

  • Newsweek US
  • Business Traveler US
  • Fast Company
  • Inc.
  • Enterpreneur US
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • Fortune US
  • Forbes US
  • Forbes Africa
  • Business Today India
  • Forbes Asia
  • Business Traveller India
  • Traders World
  • CODE Magazine
  • Farming Magazine
  • Truck N Trailer
  • Central Florida Ag News
  • Food & Beverage US
  • The Blueberry News
  • Cannabis & Tech Today
  • IssueWire
  • F100 Builers Guide
  • Swan
  • C10 Builders Guide
  • Biz Opps Pages
  • Best of DC

+ 1000 more Business magazines

List of Lifestyle Magazines available in Magzter’s Gold Plan

Below is the list of various premium Lifestyle magazines available in the Magzter’s premium subscription plan-

  • Elle US
  • Country Living
  • Prevention US
  • Reader’s Digest US
  • The Oprah US
  • Esquire US
  • HGTV Magazine
  • GQ US
  • Guideposts
  • Vanity Fair US
  • Elle Decor US
  • House Beautiful US
  • Pioneer Woman
  • Girls’ Life magazine
  • Southern Living
  • New Idea
  • Woman & home south Africa
  • Esquire Singapore
  • GQ South Africa
  • The PEAK Singapore
  • Her World Singapore
  • Bon Appetit
  • First for Women
  • Architectural Digest US
  • Conde Nast Traveler US
  • AppleMagazine
  • Sound & Vision
  • Travel + Leisure US
  • Stereophile

+ 1000 more magazines

Which Magzter Gold plan to select out of 1 year, 2 year and 3 year?

Honestly, it is completely up to you which plan you want to get. But if you want the most benefits, we recommend you to get the 3-year plan. The longer the plan, the cheaper it will be. For example, if you get a 1-year plan, it will cost 30 dollars. But if you get a magzter gold 3 year subscription offer, you will only have to pay 90 dollars only.

Magzter’s 3-year plan is the best offer today.


I believe that you must have been able to buy the Magzter Gold 3 year subscription offer by following the instructions given by us. Please share this article so that your friends and relatives can also take advantage of this Magzter offer. If you are facing any problem in purchasing any subscription of Magzter, then please tell us in the comment box below so that we can solve your problem. I hope you are enjoying reading various magazines and newspapers by purchasing Magzter Gold subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions :-

Q1- For how many years the plan will be valid?

Ans- In magzter gold 3 year plan for the U.S/ Canada/ France/ Britain and other customers it will be valid for 3 years.

Q2- How many magazines I would be able to read?

Ans- Currently there are more then 9000+ Magazines and newspapers that you can read in Magzter gold subscription.

Q3- How many Magzter Gold Subscription plans are their?

Ans- There are 3 plans 1 year @ 30 dollars/ 2 year @ 60 dollars and 3 year plan @ 90 dollars.

Q4- Can I access Magzter on Multiple devices?

Ans- Yes, You can access magzter on multiple devices like your laptop and application.

Q5- What are the available payment options to purchase?

Ans- You can use your debit/ credit card to make the purchase on Magzter.

Q6- With how many peoples I can share my Magzter Gold Subscription?

Ans- You can share your Magzter Gold subscription access with up to 4 peoples.

Q7- Can I download magazines to read offline?

Ans- Yes, You can download magazines to read them offline.